Season 8 "American Idol" contestant Megan Joy is one smart lady. She knows
cat videos are all the rage on the Interweb these days. She also knows that reality fans are addicted, no pun intended, to TV shows like "Celebrity Rehab" and "Intervention." So she's combined both phenoms into one zeitgeist-capturing, instantly viral cat classic, her totally Joyously bizarre music video, "Never Never."
Yes, the Idol once famous for her "Rockin' Robin" birdcall is now getting catty, in a compulsively watchable clip that reveals just what goes on behind the scenes of a CA (Catnippers Anonymous) meeting...and what happens when a bunch of very bad kitties fall off the wagon and dip their claws into the forbidden green stuff.
The wonderfully twisted video, which Megan says was inspired by avant L.A. band Little Dragon, showcases the goofy and quirky side of the real Megan that, sadly, "Idol" viewers rarely got to see (since "AI" stylists seemed so dead-set on turning the sleeve-tattooed indie chick into a life-sized Barbie back then, for some reason). And more importantly, the song establishes Megan Joy as a real artist. Just
listen to this sumptously Feist-y track; it's enough to make any indie fan purr.
"Never Never" is the first installment in a three-part video series Megan promised to film once she reached her Kickstarter goal of $18,000 (which she successfully surpassed today!). I can't wait to find out what she comes up next--if there's a sequel to "Never Never," I'd love to see Megan and her fellow cat addicts engage in some intense therapy with a furry Dr. Drew, or maybe hightail it to Ibiza for a long lost-weekend catnip bender. Maybe Megan can even expand this series into a dozen videos--one for each of the 12 steps!
But I'm even more eager to hear more music--on an EP she'll be recording with that $18K--from this girl. Megan is the cat's meow.
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